Research the prices of instruments of similar age, condition and make to estimate the piano’s value. Match the serial number to a manufacturer using a list of numbers and brands, such as the one available on .uk.
#Steinway piano serial number lookup serial numbers
Serial Numbers and Appraisal With the serial number of your piano we can determine its age. The Tuner’s Blog: Irmler Piano Serial Nos. Steinway Serial numbers for some early production may span more than Please Note: Serial numbers represent the approximate ending serial number for the year of production for New York and Hamburg pianos. Steinway Serial Numbers by Year Manufactured. Why waste time on Steinways on Craiglist when you can We specialize in Steinway B’s for sale, and can provide both the price of a Steinway piano and cost of Steinway pianos if you are in the market to buy a Steinway. Steinway Years to Avoid: Working with an Expert in …Ĭoncert Pianos is a best-in-class retailer of premium pre-owned and used Steinway pianos for sale.If you’re looking for Steinways for Sale, you’ve come to the right place. All of our parts are manufactured to the same exacting standards by the same craftspeople, using the same materials and processes Welcome to the Genuine Steinway Parts Websiteīased at the Steinway New York piano factory, We are the only source for guaranteed 100% Genuine Steinway parts. On uprights, the number is usually stamped on the frame above the tuning pins. NB Unlike all other makes, serial numbers on Bechsteins are the LAST ones used each year. As I understand, it was the year the piano was sold during the depression that determined its serial number (which have never been numbered according to case codes, styles, or anything else, anyway.Ĭarl Bechstein.
The production was increased to 2, 500 in year 1890 and was In 1880, Steinway factories produced 2,000 pianos per year. It has been in business for about 150 years. Steinway & Sons is one of the most recognized piano brands in the world throughout its history.